Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Question 3

Puppies- just how destructive can they be? Tell us your story.
I went away for a weekend and left my little puppy, Paris with my brother and is wife. They just moved into their newly built home and decided they would contain her to the linoleum area by the back door when she wasn't in the basement or outside. My dog had a few toys she liked to play with and they were all in her lino corner. My sister-in-law noticed Paris was being rather quiet for some time so she walked over to the the back door and saw little dog ears perk up. My sister-in-law saw a cloud of white batten stuffing from the toys strewn about on the floor, it was like Paris was sitting in a cloud of white but she is no angel! The fuzzy toy innards were everywhere and my sister-in-law just laughed at the sight before she had to bag up all the mess and throw away the prized toys that became limp hollow fabric shells now.

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