Saturday, April 7, 2007

My Own Company

Yesterday was Good Friday and I was sitting at home after a full week of grounding to ensure my health had started to return. Upon self diagnosis I was feeling well enough to go out but not willing to put in a lot of effort to find a social gathering to attend so I decided to go out with one of my favorite people - ME! I packed up my travel journal and headed over to one of my favorite Starbucks to reflect on the last few days of my African experience that I have since neglected to complete since arriving home.
As I sipped on my tall vanilla decaf Americano with room I would look up from my pages to glance around the cafe. I started to notice the last 2 women were putting on their jackets to leave and the rest of the room was filled with single men in their late 30's. Every time I would look up to take a drink my eyes would meet with one or two of the 8 guys angled in my sightlines. Some were so bold as to hold my glance to smile at me. I very quickly started to feel claustrophobic and uncomfortable. It was like the walls were closing in on me, the door seemed further away and I would have to respond to some awkward comment. I normally would have appreciated the neighborly grin or the welcoming smile but this was different... I felt like prey waiting to be pounced on. At this point I did what any insecure girl disinterested in confrontation did - I dug out my cell phone and occupied my attention by punching a bunch of buttons and trying to look as if I would be expecting something better, to give the illusion of more than just me. This held them off for a short time but they continued to close in on me not just with their eyes and their smiles but one brave soldier walked over to the shelf near my table to glance at what I was working on. I looked directly at him as he was peering over my shoulder and looked away after an embarrassed "hello". He went back to his 3-seated table in the left corner to update his mates of what he was sent to scout out. I could barely stand it any longer, I finished off the final thoughts in my journal, tossed my cup and headed out as if I was late for something very important. I started to scurry faster when I noticed another gentleman in particular standing from his chair and starting to come towards me - this was my cue to head for the hills.
I guess spending a Friday night on a long weekend out at a coffee shop alone does project a certain message but when did it become open season for those that sit alone. Isn't there an unwritten rule about those journaling or studying or occupied by choice?
I enjoy spending time at cafes where I can be with my thoughts - I have come up with some of my greatest revelations in a Tim Horton's, Second cup and Starbucks near you! I have drafted up many business profiles and entrepreneurial ideas to develop as well as life altering concepts to my decision-making and leadership. Where can I go to find solace with my own company both professionally and personally? What can I do to take back the carefree cappuccino dates and the latte laughter with myself? Do I always need an escort to keep predators at bay?
Perhaps I am being a bit over dramatic but this was an odd evening. I know I have seen some cute boys in the past sitting in my sightline and wished they would come talk to me but Mr. Right was not among this crowd!

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