Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Birthdays and Belly Dancers

I recently celebrated my birthday - well not really. You see I don't really like my birthday - not because I am getting older but because I am uncomfortable with so much attention on me for something I can't control. It takes no skill or talent to have a birthday - I wish I was celebrated when I accomplish something, like a great meal or a home renovation project - not a birthday. I know it is great to celebrate life but that can be done any day - not just the day of my birth. The Monday after my birthday I gave my 2 weeks notice and quit my job. Within my two week resignation period it was the company president's birthday. The staff team was trying to think of something to get him for the big day. Somehow it was decided he should have a strip-o-gram. Ha ha right? Someone must have said something so it was decided that might not be completely appropriate in the work environment so one of the girls in the office decided to take it upon herself to find a Marilyn Monroe look-a-like to sing in her breathy voice "happy birthday Mr.President" but after a week long attempt on company time - she came up with nothing. They tried to find something comparable and someone suggested a belly dancer... Not sure what they were going for there but somehow they felt a girl in a sequence outfit wiggling her belly screams "happy birthday". So it was booked... They asked everyone in the office to contribute $20 to pay for his entertainment...

But first a little company history....
As an employee we did not get Christmas bonuses, or raises because of the contractual positions we hold. We also do not get staff birthday gifts, Christmas gifts, or even cards from the boss because he does not see value in that extra expense. He also does not celebrate Administrative Professional day in our office and I felt like I had to plead my case to the judge every time I submitted an expense claim for my position. In a nut shell - we gave more to the company than we ever would get back. I felt I was making a difference in the lives of my clients so I stayed but eventually I had to leave.

Ok, back to the birthday party, I couldn't agree to shell out $20 for a questionable belly dancer to gyrate around my boss. I also started adding up the $20/person - this was not a cheap gift. I thought maybe if I avoided the event planners I wouldn't have to pay since it was my last week. Then it happened, I dropped my guard and was cornered in the lunch room by 2 of them

"So Erin, when were you going to give me your $20?"
Upon some counsel of wise friends they told me to stand my ground and not pay - but in that moment I felt so helpless - I caved. But I proceeded to tell them I would only pay half (my weak attempt at being assertive - I am so spineless in those situations) By their reactions I could sense they were going to be discussing my "attitude" later as they huddle in one of their offices with the door closed and speaking in the "low-talk".

So the day of the big party comes and all of a sudden the music comes on and this red flash of glitz comes wiggling by.... As you can see by the expression on my boss' face he was just as surprised as they rest of us.

I would have to say that he never smiles like this on a normal work day - this was EXTRA SPECIAL for him. And for that my $10 was worth putting a smile on his face.

What surprised me about this young girl is how sexual she was making the dance. I know belly dancing is an art and very cultural and I really appreciate it on those terms but this was a little more on the Strip-o-gram side of things.
She had a scarf that she would wrap around his neck and shimmy herself around him. So strange to watch. I felt like I was spying on a very personal moment even though I knew they had never met until that moment.

I had to laugh because my boss tried really hard to keep his eyes focused upward while she danced. Actually, to be honest - I didn't really know where to look either because of the way she was wiggling and jiggling she was trying to draw your eye to all her "parts".
One of the highlights for me was when she tried to get him up to dance with her. First off - are you kidding me? Secondly, my boss has no moves - no rhythm - no rhyme. It was like some great uncle trying to get funky at a wedding reception. BRUTAL! I have to give him props for trying at least. It was truly hilarious!
Once he did it another lady in the office thought she should give it a go. She is highly sexual in all that she does - in her office attire, speech and attitude so she was more than willing to volunteer. She is the ultimate cougar! Seriously, she was "undulating" all around the boardroom!
There were many photos taken of this event that will be memorable and I know that overall it was a good laugh. I can't help but wonder how I would feel if I found out that an over-sexed 45yr old cougar rented my husband a belly dancer for his birthday without discussing it with me or inviting me to join in the party for that day. I wonder how his wife feels. Moreover, I am curious to know why the entire staff team (made up of 90% women) wanted this highly sexual dance brought into the office environment? I am not commenting on that however, it was one of the weirdest ways I have ever spent $10!

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Turtles and Speed Bumps

Can you see it? If you can't that's ok - I didn't! For 2 years I have walked these same sidewalks in the off leash area near my house and I have met some very interesting people. Another dog owner I met kept telling me to watch out for turtles. I always laughed awkwardly wondering what they were talking about. I was pretty sure there were no turtles living in my neighbourhood but they said it without the wink wink nudge nudge which made me wonder if they were a little confused. There are no turtles in my area - it was impossible! Ducks, cats, pigeons, seagulls, rabbits and even a rumoured coyote who has wondered up from the river valley have made this park their home but not turtles. Then it dawned on me.
The turtles were the bumps in the sidewalks caused by the roots systems of the trees. It is actually crazy to see how they have erupted through the asphalt sidewalk to create a mini-hill which are referred to as "turtles".
I have always enjoyed a brisk walk through this area and some days we go for a run. It in almost inevitable for me to trip and stumble on the broken surface of the pavement. Typically I get distracted and don't pay attention to my footing and my toe gets caught on the uneven blacktop. I would love to blame someone else for my embarrassment in these moments but I just laugh at my clumsiness. This could be the great analogy of my life as the turtles are the little speed bumps in my world that cause me to slow down and look at my focus and ask where is it? If it isn't on the road before me - I run the risk of falling. If my attention is not on the route I could either go astray and veer off the pathway or I might not be able to maneuver around a "turtle" which could be a tripping hazard and injure myself which would alter my ability to continue the journey. Ok perhaps that is a bit over the top - but when I am out for a walk by myself - many things run through my head!
My mother tells me I have always been the type of person who likes to stop and smell the roses but in my day to day life I find certain events in life can cause us to be jaded and forget to appreciate the events going on around us with wonder. Summer is full of great moments, from beautiful sunsets and flowers in bloom to the flash of lightening and the fresh smell of summer rain; or a child's giggle in the wading pool and the aroma of the backyard BBQ to washing my car and making it shine and then driving it with great music and the sunroof open to the lake! This is the stuff life life is made of.
For someone who didn't know what a "turtle" was I have developed a great appreciation for these small neighbourhood creatures. They teach me to slow down and pay attention. To see the great things that surround me and enjoy those in my life that make me a better person. I am really so blessed and I guess it sometimes takes falling hard on our a$$ to learn that.
I have a great respect for God's timing in my life. I don't think of myself as impatient but some days I don't understand the word "wait". I have learned so much in the past 3 years with leaving a job I enjoyed to many jobs I did not enjoy to a new job that shows promise and in it all I saw great things. I am thankful for God's Sovereignty in my life and his knowledge of what I need but I just wish he would let me in on the long term plans! There are things going on in my head and in my heart that are new and I need some insight on why these issues have surfaced. What does God have in store for me - how does he want to use me in the coming year. How can I make use of my gifts to follow through on these hopes and dreams. How does it all fit together. Here I am again - asking and not listening. I need to walk slower, pay attention and maybe I will start to see how it all fits together. Just one step at a time - Right?