Tuesday, June 19, 2007

HIV/AIDS ~ Where do I begin?

Last summer I went to hear an African Children's Choir on tour here in Edmonton sing at a local church. It was so heart warming to see their smiling faces and listen to them sing at the top of their lungs. They had more energy and enthusiasm than any choir or singing team that I have ever seen, as well as a heart to share love with the audience. Some of the kids told their stories, including a girl who shared how her mother was killed in an attack on her village and she was hiding under a matt. Another boy talked about both of his parents dying of HIV/AIDS and being orphaned by the rest of his family. . I was so moved by their stories I couldn't help but fall in love with their little faces! They sang with an inner joy and peace about the opportunity they were being given. Some of them talked about this being their second chance at life to make an impact. I was so impressed with the way they conducted themselves but I did notice there were a few of them wearing a medical bracelet. It got me thinking about the ones who talked about having parents who died of HIV/AIDS seemed to be the ones who were wearing the bracelets. I wondered if these sweet little kids also were infected. At the end of the evening they asked if there were people who might be interested in the future to join their team as teachers, leaders and other chaperons on future trips around the world. I took an application. Haven't done anything about it yet - but I am thinking about it. What an experience it could be.
December 1st is World HIV/AIDS day and this past year I was able to be a part of an event that raised awareness of the disease. We hosted an evening at city hall with food and shared information about the seriousness of the spread of the disease in Africa. We briefly talked about how HIV/AIDS impacts us here in Canada but our focus was on developing nations. The money collected from this event went to support our team trip to Africa where we were able to experience a real hands on learning of how the HIV/AIDS education is getting into the lives of young people in these countries. I was so proud to be able to stand with my Canadian team and attempt to be proactive and educate the high school students we were talking with about the disease. I was encouraged to hear the amount of information they already knew about the spread of the disease and the importance of being safe.
Just before winter I met a lady named Andrea. She lives in Edmonton and just by looking at her you can tell she has had a rough life. She is pretty happy-go-lucky but some days she looks like she is carrying the weight of the world on her shoulders. She shared with me privately this year that she has been living with HIV and is on a daily cocktail of multiple pills to keep her immune system functioning enough for today. She came up to me last week after not seeing me in over 2 months and gave me the biggest hug ever. I was so happy to see her because I don't know if I will see her again. I get so angry when I think of this disease and how it is completely preventable! I know a cure can happen but in the in-between time it breaks my heart to hear of how many people still become infected when there is so much education and information out there for them to protect themselves.
So do I pat myself on the back and say I've done my part
or do I get louder and say what can you do about it?


Anonymous said...

Erin, You sound like you might have a heart beat inside your robot shell? Is there more?

Anonymous said...

Just kidding.