Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Holiday Monday and so on.

To bring you up to speed, the puncture holes in my foot still hurt but it seems to be healing. My mom made a joke about knowing how Jesus felt being nailed to the cross - but I think the nails they used were a little thicker - more like a stake! So, I am pretty much nothing like Jesus with two little 4 inch fencing nails. With some help from my dad, I finally was able to do some yard work. My lawn looks great thanks to my dad's skills at getting the lawn mower working and assisting me while I was a little gimped up. My friendly neighbour was digging up a bunch of her perennials and I replanted some of them into my yard. I have her raspberry canes, strawberry plants, irises, lilies and some other random plants we aren't sure what they are.
These are the Irises that I planted,

Here are the raspberries and one of the 8 strawberry plants in the sunshine!

I am excited to see how they will grow in my yard. I have this one bush that looks amazing right now - it's all flowering in these beautiful pink rose blossoms. It almost looks like a cherry tree but it doesn't produce any sort of fruit. The tight buds are amazing but they are almost all in full bloom now so it is entirely pink! Check it out.

After I came in from gardening, I remembered I forgot to put my Callingwood Farmer's Market purchase from Sunday in the fridge. I had bought a jar of homemade Kimchi from a lovely Korean family. The only problem is that when I looked in my purse it had opened and the juice had spilled everywhere! Thankfully it was still in a plastic bag but a little bit leaked out into the rest of my Oscar de la Renta hand bag! Now I have to throw it out because it stinks like kimchi! Gross!

As for some other exciting news, I am in the midst of planning a trip to Drumheller with some friends. I am not a dinosaur expert but I like the hoodoos and the trails down there so maybe we will be able to plan some good hikes! Everything is just in the planning stages yet.

So that is my long weekend and it's already Wednesday! Tomorrow is Mini-Friday and then the weekend! Wooo Hooo! I have to be honest this is the first year I have not attended YC and I am a little sad. I might have to explain that a little more - even so I can process it because it is a bit of a sore spot with me right now. Maybe another time.

Well that is all I have to say about that.


Anonymous said...

I could use your green thumb in my yard.

Anonymous said...

Is your foot ok? It looks like it could have been serious! As a doctor, I would have to say - Are you Crazy?? Stepping on a rusty nail!? Girl, take care of yourself!