Tuesday, May 29, 2007

YC tradition lives on.

Have you ever seen that cartoon image of a snow ball that starts to roll down a hill and as it goes down it starts to get bigger and bigger? I don't know how it happens but it seems like that is a great metaphor for my life. I have found that I get myself into situations where I can't stop the momentum of that decision and all of a sudden I am busy with all kinds of new things.

I previously commented on my disappointment of not attending YC. The following day I spoke with my friend Danny Taylor and sure enough... they had a few extra tickets. I was able to attend in spite of not being an official leader which was surprisingly weird for me.

I enjoyed the event as a whole although I find I can be highly critical of certain parts. I get annoyed at the emotional manipulation and spiritual influence these sort of events bring. All that said - United (from Australia), Toby Mac, Skillet, Andy Hunter, Rebecca St. James and many other bands and a few speakers made it a very enjoyable weekend! In the middle of the weekend I had previously booked a hair appointment I couldn't re-book. I tried a new hair stylist and I thought she did an alright job - So Saturday I came late to YC with a few Starbucks beverages for the those I could get a hold of. Later on Sunday I saw a few students walking to the convenient store to get some drinks, they offered to bring me an energy drink and I said sure thinking they might pick up a Jolt Soda or a high vitamins green tea. When they returned they handed me a can of Red Bull. I have never had it before so this was my first experience with the highly caffeinated soda. It tasted like those Fizz candies without the foaming experience that come in a strip of individually wrapped nuggets. It did the trick to get me through to the evening. Finally, at the end of the weekend we were back having supper and I was talking with a few of the grade 12 students and they were saying it was an end of an era... this was sort of a sentimental moment for me since I have been involved throughout their youth experience.
The sentiment only grows through the week. It has been a week of nostalgia for me...

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Holiday Monday and so on.

To bring you up to speed, the puncture holes in my foot still hurt but it seems to be healing. My mom made a joke about knowing how Jesus felt being nailed to the cross - but I think the nails they used were a little thicker - more like a stake! So, I am pretty much nothing like Jesus with two little 4 inch fencing nails. With some help from my dad, I finally was able to do some yard work. My lawn looks great thanks to my dad's skills at getting the lawn mower working and assisting me while I was a little gimped up. My friendly neighbour was digging up a bunch of her perennials and I replanted some of them into my yard. I have her raspberry canes, strawberry plants, irises, lilies and some other random plants we aren't sure what they are.
These are the Irises that I planted,

Here are the raspberries and one of the 8 strawberry plants in the sunshine!

I am excited to see how they will grow in my yard. I have this one bush that looks amazing right now - it's all flowering in these beautiful pink rose blossoms. It almost looks like a cherry tree but it doesn't produce any sort of fruit. The tight buds are amazing but they are almost all in full bloom now so it is entirely pink! Check it out.

After I came in from gardening, I remembered I forgot to put my Callingwood Farmer's Market purchase from Sunday in the fridge. I had bought a jar of homemade Kimchi from a lovely Korean family. The only problem is that when I looked in my purse it had opened and the juice had spilled everywhere! Thankfully it was still in a plastic bag but a little bit leaked out into the rest of my Oscar de la Renta hand bag! Now I have to throw it out because it stinks like kimchi! Gross!

As for some other exciting news, I am in the midst of planning a trip to Drumheller with some friends. I am not a dinosaur expert but I like the hoodoos and the trails down there so maybe we will be able to plan some good hikes! Everything is just in the planning stages yet.

So that is my long weekend and it's already Wednesday! Tomorrow is Mini-Friday and then the weekend! Wooo Hooo! I have to be honest this is the first year I have not attended YC and I am a little sad. I might have to explain that a little more - even so I can process it because it is a bit of a sore spot with me right now. Maybe another time.

Well that is all I have to say about that.

Sunday, May 20, 2007

Can I mow my lawn before the weekend is over?

This has been a strange long weekend for me. Usually, on May long weekend, I have a lot planned, people to see, things to do and last minute extras to accommodate for. The past few days have been full of random events that bring me to learn a new life lesson.
Friday was a fun night out with one of the girls from the Africa team, we sat at Starbucks visiting until the Starbucks barista came to our little corner to tell us they were closing in 7 minutes. I love that feeling where you can't believe how long you have been visiting and the conversation was full of fun memories and new events. I felt that it made for a good evening out after another hour of visiting in the car before she went home.
Saturday morning rolled around with my crazed dog jumping up on my bed to wake me up before 7:00am. As much as I like getting up early - this was a bit ridiculous!

It was a miserable day with overcast skies and cold temperatures. My brother phoned at 7:45am to see if I had changed my mind about coming with them to see my parents out at the lake. It was confirmed - I do not want to go to the lake! Too cold! Instead, I plopped myself down in front of the TV and started flipping channels in hopes that there would be a good old movie on Turner Classic Movies but I got caught on another old/new classic - School of Rock with Jack Black.

Why I like this show, I do not know, but I find myself laughing at his stupidity and enjoying his change of heart to see these kids do well. I also really enjoy the roommate and his girlfriend. They are both so annoying - she does a good job at that role and he is such a dweeb! And Joan Cusak is so funny as the principal! After the movie was over it, I started to read - but somehow fell asleep. It was a good book but I think the morning came too fast after my Starbucks hang over. It was a great little nap but I realized it was the afternoon and I had done NOTHING! So the guilt started to creep in... I decided I needed to mow my lawn but the mower was stashed in my shed in the most awkward position (My dad put it in there last fall - No idea how he got it in there!) I tried to lift it out but it just wouldn't come. After tipping it up and turning it and just plain old ramming it out, I finally got it out just to realize - it wasn't working. I started to panic, did I wreck it by tipping the engine up on it's side? After all that effort, I couldn't do anything! So back in the house! I made a marinade for some steaks and went for a nice long walk with Paris. We BBQ-ed the steaks later that night but accomplished almost nothing with hope that Sunday would bring about better results!
This morning (Sunday) looked promising - the sun was out shining and maybe the mower might work today. I made a list of all the things I wanted to do including some laundry and vacuuming along with the yard work of yesterday. Things started out great, kitchen was cleaned, pulled some of the weeds, my neighbour asked if I wanted any of her perennials for my yard and then my friend Danielle came over. Danielle is my "Mover and Shaker" - if she wants it done - she does it! One day she decided to buy a house - then she wanted to renovate it - not just one room but all of them - within one month she had re-painted her dining room 3 times! Then she bought another house - and sold her other house - then she renovated her new kitchen! She is very motivating to be around! She wanted to go to the farmers market today - so we went! I loved it! She is so spontaneous! But just before we were about to leave we were snooping around the yard next door and I stepped on an old fence board that was turned upside down with two nails pointing up! It was weird - like slow motion - I could feel the rusty nails skewering through my foot. I stood there for a second and said "I think I stepped on a nail" lifted my foot and sure enough - Blood! My left lime green garden Crocs were full of blood! I hobbled over to the house to look at it closer and sure enough it was a deep one!

I cleaned the puncture holes and put a band aide on it. At first it felt tender but nothing serious but after a couple hours it really hurts. My toes are stiff like as if they had lactic acid build up in them from a work out. So far I don't have lock jaw because thankfully I had my tetanus shot before going to Africa!

It's weird because right after it happened we still went to the farmers market and it hurt but I was able to hobble around. Now that I am home and my shoes are off - the pain is increased and I can barely put pressure on it.

Well, I might have to phone Capital Health link Hotline to talk to a professional to see if there is anything else I can do to prevent infection or anything more serious! Stupid fence boards!
I can't wait for tomorrow - Victoria day! Holiday Monday! What could be in store for me then! Will I ever get my lawn mowed? It is like a jungle! Soon I will need a swather to get through!
I have learned that when I don't stick to my plans strange things happen and simple things like mowing my lawn don't seem to ever happen. I get so easily distracted by more appealing things... When will I learn to stay focused? Well, maybe now I have learned!

Saturday, May 19, 2007

The Best Medicine

I joined the Edmonton Film Society this spring to review old "silver screen" movies (1943-1963)from an era before digital special effects and gratuitous scenes that plague every blockbuster movie of today. Every Monday evening they show a film at the museum from their Comedy Gold series and I couldn't be happier! I invited some friends to join me to experience this with me and we are probably the youngest people in the theatre. Each week I find myself chuckling along with a room full of maturity. To be completely honest, many times I am not laughing at the quick wit in the line delivery of the actor but in the roar that is soon to follow from the audience. The laughter that fills the room is so refreshing! I can hear a sense of maturity and appreciation of a simpler time when the older man behind me bust out laughing at a ridiculous line or the elderly lady in the middle giggles at the on screen humor.

This past week was especially enjoyable as the opening scene of The Thrill Of it All (1963) starring Doris Day and James Gardner shows a woman (Arlene Francis who plays a supporting character, Mrs. Fraleigh) snickering to herself, trying to keep her composure on her way to tell her husband some good news. One of my favorite parts was as she entered the elevator in her husband's office building filled with serious business men in suits on their way in to work. She starts to snicker and they try to ignore her foolishness, she then looks a man square in the eye and begins to laugh out loud. He awkwardly smiles and lets a little laugh out to ease the uncomfortable moment in front of all the other business executives. She then turns to another and another and just starts to laugh hysterically, meanwhile the men in the elevator are joining in the laughter along with her for no obvious reason. It's such a great scene where this explosive laughter become contagious to the viewing audience. I found myself laughing and listening to those sitting around me start to join in this contagious laughter. It was a random and unanimous outburst of laughter for everyone.

I love humor and laughing and enjoying life but in a world of anger, cynicism and pain it is hard to come by these days. I remember when I was a young girl sitting with my friends laughing hysterically until we cried about silly things. As I got older and into my teens we would have sleep overs with my friends and in the middle of the night we would be shushing each other so we didn't get yelled at by our parents for being so loud.

I love that deep belly laugh, the one where your eyes start to water and your breathing changess because the laughing is coming from your diaphragm. It is such a great feeling when you laugh in such a liberal way, it doesn't matter what anyone else thinks because in that moment nothing else is as important as that funny moment in time. I remember saying "stop, stop, my stomach/face hurts" and holding my cheeks from the muscle strain while I wipe the tears from my eyes. Man, those are some good times.

They seem less and less as I have grown up but I cherish them just the same. I wonder if I could start a riot of laughter where people spontaneously start to laugh along with you just because laughter is so contagious! Hmmm... Maybe, I could start a revolution of joy. Ha ha!