Sunday, January 20, 2008

New Year, New Day, New Traditions

Where has the time gone... It feels like forever since I was able to sit down and write a little ditty.  I guess it became an excuse to wait and hold out for something significant...  To add something of monumental proportion because it had been so long since my last entry - the follow up had to be amazing!  However - I just kept procrastinating and therefore I have not written since the end of summer.  Shame on me!
Well, part of my delay was due to some computer problems that were the cause of many frustrations.  I made the decision that I would buy a new laptop this year and well I did. I seriously LOVE my MacBook.  I have been playing with all the different features and it makes me laugh... Check it out...
Seriously - I wasn't even making a funny face in these pictures - it's juts the way the camera effects distorts the image....  So funny.... 
This one cracks me up - It makes me look like I have a round face and a HUGE nose!! Ha ha ha!!
I spent an abnormal amount of time making faces with the different effects.... all of which made me look disgusting... still funny though.

As for other fun stuff - I spent Christmas eve alone in a hotel in Saskatoon.  
You may be thinking "Oh poor girl, how lonely - but it was actually fun!! I went swimming in the hotel pool because it was completely empty... no surprise.  Then I took my dog for a walk in an older heritage area of the city and came upon an old anglican church.  I heard the old pipe organ playing Silent Night, Holy Night and I stopped for just a second to savor this moment.  
I walked to the back side of the church and I noticed they had 3 large stained glass windows that were lit up from the service going on inside.  I examined the images closer and they were that of the 3 Wise men, Mary, Joseph and the baby Jesus in the middle and the Shepherds in the last window.  It was a very mystical moment as the pipe organ music played, the crystal snow flakes reflected the street lights and I stopped for a second with only my breath vapors moving in the stillness.  

And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord shone round about them: and they were sore afraid. And the angel said to them, Fear not: for, behold I bring you good tidings of great joy, which shall be to all people.  For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ the Lord.    Luke 2:9-11

As for future post... I'm back.
And I will keeping you updated on the "goings on" in my life.  
Stay tuned for some exciting news...