Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Bonjour Paris

I went to see one of my all time favourite movies this week at the Edmonton Film Society Summer series of Noteworthy Musicals. I remember watching it years ago and liking it but I couldn't remember much about it. I was so excited to see it again to remind me why I loved it so much. The movie was Funny Face with Fred Astaire and Audrey Hepburn from 1956 -Fashion world meets philosophy... I truly loved it... I found myself being caught up in the images and the dreamy courtship that was a surprise to both of them. I want to try and find a copy for myself to add to my collection of favourites. It made me miss Paris though. Since Paris is the fashion capital, part of the movie took place there. It was fabulous!

It made me jealous of my friends, Danny and Hailey who will be returning to Europe in a few weeks to travel for 4 weeks - Grrrrr...

The scene is Fred Astaire, a well known fashion photographer, the Magazine editor and Audrey Hepburn, the magazine's cover girl have just arrived in Paris are saying to each other they are tired and want to go to their hotels to get some rest as though being in Paris is no big deal to them. However, they are privately excited to see the sites of this great city and start to take in the tourist attractions. Being a musical there is a great little Gershwin song that they sing in part until they bump into each other on the streets of Paris and go up the Eiffel Tower together. I wish I knew the lyrics to this song before I went to Paris - I would have sang them in the streets as I strolled along... But the Eiffel tower... there is just something about it.

I wish I took better pictures of it. There is a romance about that city... And even the elevator up - maybe it was the altitude or my lack of sleep but I found myself falling in love with the city... dreaming of a day in the life of a regular Parisian... That's for me: Bonjour Paris!

"Bonjour, Paris!"

I want to step out Down the Champs-Élysées,
From the Arch of Triumph To the Petit Palais.
That's for me: Bonjour, Paris!

I want to wander Through
the Saint Honorais,
Do some window shopping
In the Rue de la Paye.
That's for me: Bonjour, Paris!

I want to see the den of thinking men like Jean-Paul Sartre.
I must philosophise with all the guys around Montmartre and Montparnasse.

I'm strictly a tourist
But I couldn't care less.
When they parlez-vous me
Then I gotta confess.
That's for me: Bonjour, Paris!

Light up the Louvre museum
Jazz up the Latin quarter
To show the richest and the poorest:
Here it comes, The great American tourist!

This has got to be illegal
What I feel
Trés gay, trés chic,
Trés mag-nifique
C'est moi, c'est vous
C'est grand, c'est too tu.
It's too good to be true,
All the things we can do.
You do things to my point of view.

We can show you the north or
We can show you the south then
We can show you the west
Come on and show me the best!
That's for me: Bonjour, Paris!

Bonjour. Bonjour!
That's for me: Bonjour, Paris!

Living is easy,
The livin' is high.
All good Americans
Should come here to die.

Is it real? Am I here?
Am I here? Is it real?

There's something missing
There's something missing, I know.
There's something missing
There's something missing, I know:
There's still one place I've got to go!

Oh! Oh no!

I thought that you were tired.
You said that you were tired.
I heard you say that you...
You told me you were tired!
You said that you were so exhausted!
You said you needed sleep!
You told that you had to rest.
You said you ought to rest.
I thought you wanted rest.
Is this what you call rest?
I haven't time to rest!

This fussing and fretting
It's getting my goat.
Let's all let our hair down,
We're in the same boat!

We're strictly tourists,
You can titter and jeer.
All we want to say is La faiette we are here
On a spree,
Bonjour, Paris...! Bonjour!

Oh reading it doesn't do it justice... you just have to see it....

I want to go back and spend more time there...

and everywhere...

Monday, August 6, 2007

PGA (Parents Golfing Assistance)

Both of my parents have decided to take up golf in the past 5 years. They play for fun mostly but they have a little edge to them when they play. They say they want to just enjoy the walk through the fairways and the birds chirping in trees along the greens but I noticed a little edge the last time we were out on a local course. My mom missed a shot and it went into some bushes where she proceeded to stomp through to find her favourite Callaway ball (EVERYTHING she uses is Callaway - I would swear she was sponsored by them!). My dad was about 50 feet ahead and kept playing to the hole and I could see both of their frustrations mounting. So much for fun! Eventually, I went over to help her find her ball and she finished the shot but my dad was already to tee off at the next box. My mom and I came along and all of a sudden things changed from a leisurely game to a race through the course. It felt like "speed golf!" Mostly because my dad could see another group of golfers 2 hole back coming up from behind us. He doesn't like to be rushed so he wanted to hurry up the game - ironic hey?
My mom has a funny way of thinking about golf - so simple - she says "I just want to get the ball in the hole, technique doesn't matter just sink the ball!" I laugh because she has so much fun talking about her game more than playing it. No topic is taboo to her - from the philosophy of the game to the outfit she bought for the certain course dress codes. She is a chatty golfer, and she brings snacks for everyone! It is a hoot - no shortage of stories! At least she has a good time!
On this occasion they had to wait to tee off and they are chatting away - sort of distracting but I wasn't about to make a fuss, it was fine. I also enjoy watching my dad, he appears to have the Mike Weir style figured out and can drive a long ball but he can get a little too enthusiastic in his short game. I overshot my ball on the green so I called my dad over to help me retrieve my ball from a gopher hole - I could see it but I wasn't about to reach my hand in it just in case it was bitten off! I tried jamming my club in it but that just pushed it further - finally my dad grabbed it out and gave me a drop on the edge of the cabbage.... at least 60 feet to the hole - one shot - clunk! I was so proud of my fluke! Don't ask me to do it again!
Another thing about golfing with my parents is that even when I make a bad shot they are so encouraging - "Good shot" or "Nice hit" or the classic "Wow good job!" What else can they say they are my parents! I was so annoyed at one point because I lost my ball in the trees so I hit another and it went to the same area my mom say "good job Erin, Golf is a game of consistency and you are very consistent" I could have thrown a club at her! In golf there is such a thing as too much encouragement! Either way, we had some good laughs.

My mom loves the short game - I think it is the mini-golf from her childhood coming out. She has the skills once its on the green! I am always watching her judge the slope and the weight of the shot to sink her ball - "remember Erin, just get the ball in the hole." It was a fun event - I am sure we will play many more games again.