Thursday, June 12, 2008

Call in the Troops. - This yard ain't big enough for the both of us!

So yesterday I made the decision to take action!!!

When I was in Africa I had a mosquito net to cover my head, like a hood.  It is one of those ones that people use when they go camping....  I looked everywhere for it - couldn't find it.  Then I stumbled upon this mesh bag in the basement I use for my picnic dishes - I decided it would be my shield to protect me from the wasps.  It was firm yet I could still see through it and breath easily.

Then I had to get the right tools...  I stopped at Canadian Tire to pick up the spray that is used to get rid of the nests.  There was about 5 or 6 different kinds - I couldn't tell the difference.... They were all between $6-$12 so I went mid range and the prettiest can - Shiny purple!  
It also made it sound Fast Acting - Jet Foam....  Sounded high tech to me....  Ring it in!
Then I had to finish suiting up - Notice the duct tape around my sleeves....  I didn't want to risk the little wizards finding their way into my shirt.  That just gives me the willies thinking about it!!!  They fly so fast and they come from no where - couldn't chance it!
I noticed the second layer of the nest was almost done (this was within 24 hours! that must be where the sentence busy bees comes from!!) so I had to act quickly before they put the call out for more tenants to move in to the newly renovated suites!

Every time I got close to aim the spray - I would freak out....  Something would swoosh by my face or I would feel something on my neck or some freak out behavior.  I have serious problems obviously!  I couldn't do it.  
Mind over matter.

I just couldn't do it for the fear of retaliation.  These little critters get mad and they come for you with vengeance.  My mind was playing tricks on me and I became more and more spooked to deal with these stupid wasps.

So - I made a call on my very own Red Batman Phone - or as I like to call it - the Direct Dad Dial....
Called my dad and he came over to assist with the abatement and removal of these un-welcomed guests!  I had to laugh because he decided to  use the mesh bag over his head too!  Those things have no mercy when they come at you!  Freaky!  I stood at a distance with my hood up and ready to bolt back to shelter if there was any resistance and protest to the move.
Everything seemed to go according to plan.  The Jet Foam did it's job and nicely filled the void where the wasps lived and sent a message to the stragglers they weren't welcomed here any more!
Oh yes another funny part of the whole ordeal was when the rest of the wasp family started to return to their nest and they found a foam filled village.  There was no where for them to go.  Clearly, we were to blame for their misfortune and they were after us.  We had already started to let our guard down and take off the protective layers like a good hockey player in the dressing rooms - removing their pads that protected them during the game.  That was when they came for us!  My dad just starts randomly squirting the Jet Foam around the yard trying to plop some foam onto the wasps!  He hit one of them and it was dead on contact.  Not sure if it was suffocated from the foam or they were actually poisoned from the spray.    
All in all - it turned out ok.  Safe and sound.
I am just hoping I don't have to deal with the squirrel.  I can't imagine the Jet Foam needed to remove that critter!

Saturday, June 7, 2008

New condo development or squatters? Bad either way.

The international squatters' symbol
Did you know this is the international symbol for squatters??  
I didn't.

Well let me tell you the latest news.  I have two new developments in my community that have invaded my property.
I am not sure what to do.  They have just moved in and taken up residence in their newly built homes.  One is actually more upsetting than the other.

1.  The squirrel.
I live in a neighborhood with big trees, shrubs and a large field.... Sort of like a giant urban forest. I have noticed more wild life hanging around.  
Usually birds and wild rabbits but there is a new squirrel  that has been seen frequenting my yard.   It actually was just chilling out on my neighbors garage.  My dog freaks!!!  

Not sure if it going to be a nuisance or if it is going to be like a friendly little Rocky - as long as Bullwinkle stays far away from my yard I think it will be ok. 

2. The Condo....
I just planted some flowers in a window box I have that sits under my garage window.  The other day I was watering it when I noticed this attached to the bottom of the flower box.....
A wasp's nest!!!!!
What am I suppose to do???   
I also noticed tonight they are already building a second layer - it is getting bigger..... 
Look closely and you will see in the picture the are building a vestibule in the second layer.... an outside courtyard renovation taking place by these crazy wasps!!  Every time I would get close they would come shooting out kamikaze style at my face.  I had to cinch up to protect my head. Freaky!!!
So I need a plan.  I might start a petition and send it to the property developer - but that doesn't always work.  I might have to take action myself!! 
I'll keep you updated!