Sunday, April 27, 2008

Corks, Culture, and Coins.

I just returned from a little mini-holiday in San Francisco, California.  It was lovely there!  The people were friendly, the weather was spectacular and the city felt like a long lost friend.  
I was in San Francisco a few years ago and I remember thinking this was a place I could spend a lot of time at and maybe even call home.  The culture and people were so warm and the great restaurants and wine bars reminded me of what I wish my city was like.  We have 2 maybe 3 great districts with great food and culture - it feels like San Francisco is designed with these great venues on every corner!  
One evening I was laughing to myself because my friend and I wanted to find a Starbucks - we were shocked - there are very few around and the one we found on Ghirardelli square was closed at 8pm!!!! 
 However, they have TONS of these great cafe's that spill onto the streets.  The tables are full of locals and visitors sipping on great local wines from Northern California while enjoying the mid day sunshine or the warm evening air. 

 They might be sharing a plate of freshly made tapas or some wonderful late night snacks.  Most of their food is from local markets because they don't have to ship it in...  it is home grown!!  And because it is California they have an environmental concern on keeping things green and organic.  Very different than the frozen, then deep fried snacks we get here in Canada... 

One part of any city that size is the homeless population and those in poverty.  I know - my city has many shelters that are forced to turn people away from their doors because there just aren't enough beds. In Canada, that is a big deal because of our harsh winters but in California their mild temperatures make those searching for a place to sleep less desperate.  The panhandlers come out in full force around the touristy areas, around Union Square because of all the shopping.  Their presence can be a bit overwhelming and awkward for people who don't know how to respond to the steady line up of sketchy characters standing around in certain areas asking for change.  Some of them develop little gimmicks that try to catch people's attention.  One guy was sitting under a box that he had designed to look like a monster.  He would talk from under the box to passers by and move the cut out lips of the cube shaped monster...  it caught my attention because he just starts talking in character.  There are so many of these various street people who have a little schtick they perform to get a few bucks from those who feel they need to respond with a donation.  I guess the one thing that makes the experience less assaulting is that they don't harass you for money - usually they just have an old MacDonald's cup with a few pennies or nickels in it that they shake at you as you walk by. 
I thought I heard somewhere that there is a bylaw in California that says they cannot panhandle or ask for money directly or they can get a ticket or put in jail.  
Not sure on exactly what the law says but I heard some people talking about it the first time I visited the city.
I also thought some of the panhandlers were funny because they had no gimmick...  one guy asked the couple walking near us for money to buy drugs.  I didn't know if I should laugh because I think he was serious.  Later I saw this guy and I had to take a picture.  I tried not to make it obvious so my friend is standing in the sight line but the focus is him and his sign.

 If you can't read it - it says "Why lie, I want beer" - And I saw a few people slip him some cash just for his honesty.  I didn't know what to think...

Honestly, such a great trip.  I loved it - and after this trip I truly feel like I could live there.  
So fun - if you haven't gone - GO!  it is amazing.... or you can come next year - I think it will become an annual trip...  so start saving your American $$$.   The more the merrier!